Peach Jam Zero Eton Mess

Description of the image

Preparation: 20 min

Total: 45 min

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6 people

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Description of the image




4 large yellow peaches

juice of 1 lime

300 ml of natural Greek yogurt

300 ml of natural Greek yogurt

3 tablespoons of honey

1 teaspoon vanilla paste

1 tablespoon chopped pistachios

12 small sighs

6 tablespoons of Peach Jam Zero


1. Blend two peaches together with the lime juice until pureed and set aside.

2. Meanwhile, cut the other two peaches into small pieces and set aside.

3. Mix the Greek yogurt with the honey and vanilla.

4. Place 1 tablespoon of peach jam at the bottom of each cup.

5. Then make layers, distributing 1/3 of the Greek yogurt mixture, the peach pieces, some meringues broken into pieces and the peach puree among the bowls. Repeat the process until you have used up all the ingredients.

6. Finish the layers with chopped pistachios and a meringue in each glass. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Used Product

Peach Jam

Prepared by:

Célio Cruz, author of the blog “Sweet Gula”
