Gelado Saudável com Doce Zero de Pêssego

Healthy Ice Cream with Zero Peach Jam

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Preparation: 20 min

Total: 4 hours

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6 people

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750 g of sliced ​​and frozen peaches;

300 g quark cheese;

75 g of Natura peach jam for topping;

100 g of Natura Peach Jam for the ice cream;


1. In a food processor, blend the previously cut and frozen peaches with the quark cheese and 100 g of Natura Peach Jam until you obtain a homogeneous consistency.

2. If you have an ice cream maker, you should put the mixture in it. If you don't have one, put the mixture in a container and, using a spatula, stir the ice cream at least 3 times while it solidifies.

3. When you take the ice cream out of the freezer for the third time to stir it, place the remaining 75 g of Natura peach jam on top, mix well and put it back in the freezer for a few hours.

4. Remove the ice cream from the freezer 5 to 15 minutes before serving and enjoy.

Used Product

Peach Zero Sweet

Prepared by:

Joana from the blog “Pleasure Cooking”

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