Mushroom and Tomato Risotto

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Preparation: 45 min

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4 people

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2 onions

4 cloves of garlic

25g dehydrated mushrooms

35g dehydrated tomatoes

4 tablespoons of olive oil

200g risotto rice

125ml white wine

Salt flower

Salt flower


100g island cheese


1. In a pan, add 2 liters of water, 1 onion cut into quarters with the skin on and 2 cloves of garlic also with shell. Bring to the boil and let it boil for about 5 minutes.

2.Turn off the heat and remove the onion and garlic cloves from the water. Soak the mushrooms and tomatoes in this water for 20 minutes.

3.After soaking, remove the mushrooms and tomatoes from the water and slice them finely. Reserve the water

4.Chop 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic and place in a pan. Add olive oil, a pinch of flower of salt and sauté until the onion is golden. Add the mushrooms, tomatoes and let cook 3min. Add the rice and mix.

5.Add the white wine and stir constantly until all the wine is absorbed.

6. Add a ladleful of soaking water and stir constantly until all the water is absorbed.

7. Add ladlefuls of soaking water until the rice is cooked, stirring constantly.

8.Between additions, add fleur de sel and pepper to taste.

9. When the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and add the grated Ilha cheese.

10.Serve sprinkled with coarsely chopped almond kernels.