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The wonders of the Reineta Apple

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The wonders of the Reineta Apple 6
The wonders of the Reineta Apple 7

The wonders of the Reineta Apple

The apple is one of the most consumed fruits worldwide. This fruit has excellent nutritional properties, which can improve health. Its percentage of water is, on average, 80%, so it is a food that helps in hydration. Furthermore, it is a fruit rich in fiber and pectin.

Experts advise to consume apple with peel, since it is in this part of the fruit that it concentrates in most vitamins and minerals.

Start enjoying or savoring the delicious apple through the Reineta Apple Paste, made with love by Quinta de Jugais.

Take the opportunity to discover the rest of the Paste range. Savor the Traditional Quince Paste or the original and delicious Quince Paste with Walnut. See another recent novelty: Organic Quince Paste.

Reineta Apple Benefits:

1. Cancer prevention

Studies have shown that people who have eat an apple a day are less likely to develop cancer.

2. Helps intestinal functioning

The apple contains pectin, a substance that, when it comes in contact with water, forms a viscous substance that aids intestinal functioning.

3. Slows aging

It is antioxidant and combines a combination of important resources in the fight against aging, such as: fibers, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

4. Strengthens bones

Apples are rich in calcium, making them an excellent ally in combating osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

More Fruit Benefits

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